Band Boosters
The Waconia Band Boosters have had a long and strong tradition of offering total support to our band program. Our band boosters contribute countless hours of volunteer work each year as well as offering many fundraising opportunities aimed at giving our students the ability to pursue music-making at greater and greater levels.
Attend our Booster Meetings! We meet every third Tuesday of the month, discussing needs and planning important upcoming events. Please check the Band Calendar for specific dates and times. Our current booster parents are a fun group looking for more members!
Please contact President Kari Sell,, if you would like to be more involved in the band booster program.
What does a Band Booster do?
The Band Boosters are a dedicated group of parents who volunteer their time and talent to ensure the success of each band student of WHS. We work closely with the Band Director, providing support to all aspects of the program.
There are many opportunities to volunteer throughout the year including but not limited to supervision shifts for band events, help with fundraising events, marching band uniform needs, and chaperone and volunteer opportunities at our Park Performance and throughout the Marching Band season.